Advertised Vacancy Number: IPS/DP849598
This is a permanent full-time position commencing Term 1, 2024
Churchlands Senior High School (SHS) is seeking to appoint a dedicated and committed administrator who will work closely with the principal and members of the administration team to provide educational leadership in the school and the community by helping develop and promote the school values, ethos and priorities, and encouraging school staff, volunteers from the community and others to share ownership of the school’s vision and goals
Churchlands SHS has five Associate Principal portfolios. These are: Human Resources; Administration Systems; Senior Secondary; Middle Secondary and Junior Secondary. The successful applicant should have proven abilities in strategic planning, instructional leadership and developing staff. You will lead and model a culture of self-reflection and improvement and provide coaching and mentoring as you promote professional growth and leadership capabilities in others.
While the position we are initially seeking to fill is for Human Resources position, there may later be movement to meet school and individual needs. Hence, the successful applicant should possess appropriate knowledge and transferrable skills that would allow them to lead one of the other sub-schools if needed.
The Human Resources role is to lead the school community in the management of both teaching and non-teaching staff. Specifically, the successful applicant will have, with appropriate autonomy, the responsibility of human resources including:
- Development of the Work Force Business Plan
- To work closely with the Associate Principal of Systems to ensure the timetable and staffing meet student needs
- Staff Recruitment/Employment
- New Staff Induction
- Performance Management policy/procedures
- Staff well-being
- OHS Management
- Assist with Performance Management of non-teaching staff
- Staff Leadership Development PL Planning
- Salary and Payroll management
Other responsibilities and duties include assisting the principal to ensure appropriate information systems are in place to report on compliance and the use of proper accounting procedures. You will ensure these information systems are accurate and timely when reporting on school performance.
Churchlands has developed its own Quality Teaching and Learning Framework (QTLF) based on Madeline Hunters Design model which provides a consistent whole school approach to teaching and learning. Professional learning at Churchlands is a key to the implementation of our QTLF. The Associate Principal is expected to be part of the leadership in managing our QTLF.
Churchlands SHS is an Independent Public School which enjoys an outstanding reputation for its academic, sporting and cultural achievements. The school’s Gifted and Talented Music Program is regarded internationally as one of excellence and it has outstanding facilities to support over 500 music students. The school also enjoys a reputation of excellence in sports, regularly holding both A Grade Swimming and Athletics championships. Churchlands SHS aims to develop a school community which encourages personal, social and environmental responsibilities.
In management terms the school is isolated form the Department’s network and uses many alternative management tools not found in other Government schools. For example, Churchlands SHS is a leader in ICT with a successful BYOD program and embedded ICT into all classes. SEQTA is now extensively used as a management system and for many staff used as a Learning Management System. Additionally, the use of OneNote is used in the teaching and learning processes. Churchlands SHS maintains many other significant programs that staff can choose to be involved with. These include community service programs such as the 24 hour walk, after school sports, after school study classes and a large number of international study, sporting and cultural tours. Churchlands SHS teaching staff embrace the directions of the school and enjoy being part of the educational journey of its students.
The school is committed to providing a caring and supportive environment that challenges students to achieve personal excellence in all endeavours and to be active citizens of the local and global community. Associated with our vision are staff developed values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
This selection process will initially be used to fill the above vacancy. Applicants assessed as suitable during this selection process may be considered for other similar vacancies that occur throughout our school for up to 12 months following this initial appointment. This includes circumstances where this position becomes subsequently vacant should the successful applicant decline or vacate the advertised position.
To be suitable for this role, you will need to demonstrate the following work related requirements:
- Capacity to provide effective leadership in a diverse range of educational settings;
- High level of interpersonal and public relations skills that demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships to achieve planned outcomes;
- Professional knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge to ensure a high level of educational outcomes for all students (e.g. Aboriginal students, students from diverse ethnic backgrounds and students with special needs).
- Capacity to manage staff, physical and financial resources.
Applications will be assessed against the work related requirements of the position. The business needs of the school may also be considered. It is therefore recommended that you consider all information contained in the advertisement and any other related information before applying for the vacancy.
The Department is an equal opportunity employer and encourages people with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and persons from culturally diverse backgrounds to apply.
Further information about Churchlands SHS can be found by visiting churchlands.wa.edu.au or Schools Online
Additional information about Independent Public Schools is also available here
For further job related information:
Please contact Neil Hunt, Principal, by telephoning (08) 9441 1700 or emailing neil.hunt@education.wa.edu.au
During the school holiday period, please contact Neil Hunt, Principal on 0418 900 745.
Application Instructions
All applications are submitted online. Select “Apply for Job”, at either the top or bottom of this screen and follow the instructions on your screen.
Your application should include:
- A four (4) page statement addressing the Work Related Requirements, in context of the role and business needs of the branch
- A CV of up to three (3) pages outlining your employment history and professional learning summary relevant to this position
- The contact details for two (2) work related referees who can attest to the claims made in your written application, preferably one being your current line manager.
It is recommended you have these documents completed and ready to attach before selecting “Apply for Job”.
You are asked to complete an online application form and attach your documentation, please allow enough time to complete this process as applications cannot be accepted after the closing date and time.
After you have submitted your application online, you will receive an email confirming lodgement. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please telephone (08) 9264 4127.
If you are having difficulty submitting your online application, please telephone (08) 9264 8666 for assistance.
Eligibility and training requirements
Employees will be required to:
- provide evidence of eligibility to work in Australia for the term of the vacancy;
- hold a recognised qualification in teaching and be currently registered or eligible for registration to teach in Western Australia;
- obtain a current Department of Education Criminal Record Clearance prior to commencement of employment;
- obtain or hold a current Working with Children Check;
- complete the Department’s induction program within three months of commencement;
- complete the Department’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness online course within 3 months of commencement;
- complete any training specific to this role required by Departmental policy; and
- complete the Department’s training in Accountability and Ethical Decision-Making within six months of appointment.
The Department applies a four (4) day breach period to this selection process.
Applications must be submitted before 4.30pm (WST) on Monday, 16 October 2023